Diamante — Stranger, Couple

A 7 line poem following each line: (1) noun, (2) Adjectives, Adjective, (3) -ing, -ing, -ing words of action, (4) noun, noun about line 1, noun, noun about the line 7 noun, (5) -ing, -ing, -ing of action (6) noun, noun , (7) noun

*Note the nouns in line 1 and 7 will be opposites.

American poet named Iris McClellan Tiedt is credited for the creation of this diamond shaped poem. Italian in its name it made its debut in 1969.

Photo by Katleen Vanacker on Unsplash

The Momma Dom, I needed to post a picture of the poem, I could not get the diamond shape without it.

Photo by gaspar zaldo on Unsplash

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The Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!

Blogger. Writer. Content Creator. Poet. Photographer. Human. Flawed. Honest. Disabled.