InILLUMINATIONbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Measles: Understanding the Rising Risks in 2024Not a forgotten illness, it’s making a comeback post-CovidMar 12, 2024195Mar 12, 2024195
InArtistry LiberationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!🐰Bunny Garden Revamp Take Note ~ Author’s Brain Run Amuck — Really!The Momma Dom’s Notes: Meet the Momma the Author a bit through my ramblings, I needed to spew myself into a piece creatively. I have been…Feb 7, 20242221Feb 7, 20242221
InArtistry LiberationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Is the $Cost$ of Medium Worth the Price I Personally $Pay$? Is it for you?The Momma’s Dom Notes: Budgeting Analysis of Myself. NEEDEDFeb 5, 20241203Feb 5, 20241203
The Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!What does it take to tap the creative brain?The Momma’s Dom Notes: I have a creative brain, that does get stuck too!!!Jan 31, 20241321Jan 31, 20241321
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!I once was banned by Tinder, twiceThe Momma’s Dom Notes: Too interesting? Tinder might label you a technology Bot I was.Jan 28, 20241801Jan 28, 20241801
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Am I a storyteller, writer, or author?The Momma’s Dom Notes: Questioning what I am, a thought in motion.Jan 27, 20241501Jan 27, 20241501
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Feeling in love without having love?The Momma’s Dom Notes: Having love needs flames of passion, yours!Jan 26, 20241601Jan 26, 20241601
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Weight loss wasn’t an option for me during Covid but a solid choice!The Momma’s Dom Notes: Weight loss via a Covid coldJan 24, 20242724Jan 24, 20242724
InArtistry LiberationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!When you take a writing challenge misunderstanding what the rules are, then make out like you won…The Momma’s Dom Notes: Winning at Failing #100in30Jan 22, 20241983Jan 22, 20241983
InMr. Plan ₿ PublicationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Self Improvement Never Mentioned a Stalker — grammarlyWhen technology stalks your writing and creates writer PTSDJan 20, 20242731Jan 20, 20242731
InArtistry LiberationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!The Deflated View From a BicycleSatirical writing from the view point of an Inanimate ObjectJan 19, 20241651Jan 19, 20241651
InILLUMINATIONbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Want To Work in Social Media?Technology, social media, startup bumps, design work, content oh my!Jan 18, 20242962Jan 18, 20242962
InRead or Die!byThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!The Shinto Kanamara Matsuri Penis Festival 2024 and I can’t go!!! 4–7–24The Momma’s Dom Notes about oddities I will never get to see in my lifetime — #1: The Festival of the Steel PhallusJan 15, 20241262Jan 15, 20241262
InArtistry LiberationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Old Fights, New SightsWhen you try to solve problems with the same old viewsJan 14, 202460Jan 14, 202460
InArtistry LiberationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!The Momma’s Personal StoryA moment of love from a mother to her never born childJan 11, 20241601Jan 11, 20241601
InArtistry LiberationbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Is a Week of Doctors the Cure?My way is efficient, logical and saves unnecessarily wasted timeJan 2, 2024113Jan 2, 2024113
The Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!I lose control when you aren’t next to me…A thought in motion on waking up alone, not his fault.Nov 1, 202322Nov 1, 202322
The Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!The Medium Conundrum: 661 Follows, 17 Subscribes, and the Flip FlopsWriters I ask, am I gathering readers or follows for follows?Mar 4, 2024137Mar 4, 2024137
InILLUMINATIONbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Transformations and my hand slapping for caring enough to say be you, do you, don’t fake it…When being accused of things I couldn’t understand at all, by being labeled something they shouldn’t have but determined I was, and shamed…Mar 1, 2024166Mar 1, 2024166
InILLUMINATIONbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!Advice Given To a New Citizen Friend Confused Me Most, Perhaps I Should Ask For My American Advice…Simple life lessons on health, care and needs of humans to my friend that I confused with the easiest one…Feb 29, 2024168Feb 29, 2024168