InNEW LITERARY SOCIETYbyTrish ChurchSerenade of the MoonWhen The Night Whispers, Will She Dare to Listen?Dec 11, 20241.4K22Dec 11, 20241.4K22
InNEW LITERARY SOCIETYbyThe Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!A Little Bit Of Ramble Will Do You No HarmAn Opinion by The Momma DomDec 28, 20243148Dec 28, 20243148
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenMy thoughtsSometimes it’s hard for me to write things and even this is going to be difficult. I keep things close to my chest because I hate being…Dec 27, 2024101Dec 27, 2024101
InNEW LITERARY SOCIETYbyJulia Kalman5,000 Strong: A Year of Community and CheerCelebrating 5,000 Writers on Medium with Exclusive Carols and a Heartfelt Surprise 🎄✨Dec 26, 20241.6K29Dec 26, 20241.6K29
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenNot YoursI can already tell you I’m not your cup of teaDec 21, 2024502Dec 21, 2024502
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenCalming MomentsHe kissed her stomach and looked up at her then he moved down and kissed her thighs.Dec 21, 2024Dec 21, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byViking Jr.A Tiny Heart and Diaper ArtsIn the park where the sandcastles rise, My little one digs with curious eyes. While others just build, with buckets and spades, She’s on…Dec 19, 2024Dec 19, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byViking Jr.Breaking ExpectationsIn the soft glow of moonlight, I trace the outlines of a life— one drawn by hands not my own, brushed with colors that never quite…Dec 16, 202417Dec 16, 202417
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenColdHe stood up in the middle of his friend’s sentence and rushed outside, he saw her leaning against the wall with what little shelter the…Dec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byViking Jr.What My Heart WantsWhy does my heart still want what my mind knows I’ll never have? like the memory of a dream, laughter in an empty room, the scent of…Dec 13, 2024Dec 13, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byViking Jr.In the stillness of night, when spirits weave their whispered tales, I find her there— a…Awake now, I turn to find you— small and wide-eyed, trembling on the edge of fear. You see her too; your gaze darts like fireflies in…Dec 13, 2024Dec 13, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenMiddle of the Night RompsShe rose up over his sleeping figure and got out of bed, she gathered her clothes and tried to tip toe away but then arms wrapped around…Dec 10, 2024Dec 10, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenBefore Finals FluffHe sat there watching her, wanting to know her story. He wanted to know more. There were days when she had a sad look on her face, but she…Dec 9, 2024Dec 9, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byViking Jr.Echoes of a Childhood HeartIn the attic of my mind, where dust motes dance in sunbeams, I stumble upon a faded photograph— a moment captured, you, with your silly…Dec 5, 2024Dec 5, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenSubmit to a DreamYou won’t let her know how much she’s got a hold on your heartDec 3, 2024Dec 3, 2024
InBleeding Eye Ink 👁️byBee DravenSearching and LearningShe’s been nursing a heartbreak and pulling away from the world is what she’s been wanting to do but her friends won’t let her, they…Nov 30, 2024Nov 30, 2024