Momma’s Mindfulness Memo

#8 Personal journeys and our place in them, my opinion


TRANSPARENCY IN A.I.: I used Alexa Show to watch “The Crown” S3E7, on Netflix. I also used my smart vacs to clean the floors. They learn the layout and adjust their routine based on new obstacles and go around them. They keep track of when to make the blades spin faster for dirtier areas and determine when they need changing. I mean emptying. Sometimes these smart things feel like children. Learning, mocking me, hiding my keys! LOL

Previous Momma’s Mindfulness Memos HERE

The Momma’s Dom Collection of Writings By Type: Here

Photo by TheMommaDom

Momma is getting a name for speaking her mind and meaning what she says. It’s true, I will stand behind my words. What I will also do is be willing to change my view as I am well aware that I am a master of nothing. What I mean to say is, that I am always a student and never an expert.

I share my knowledge from my understanding and sometimes that understanding is not woke enough to a situation. Educate me please I wish to learn a better understanding of the subject from another's view.

This happened to me this week. I started with a series on Blogging to help me see the working parts and garner knowledge as a blogger. I mentioned I write on a few sites and in all the years I wrote there, a past work of mine came back to remind me of that time and place of my writing career. New conflict though.

Two people had an opinion with my view. They asked Momma to stand in their shoes on the subject. In the end, Momma did try on their soles but my bare feet still feel best. I have not changed my thoughts. I typically have a very informed opinion on anything I say, I speak what is on my mind. However…

The negative viewpoint, had Momma stopping to consider that without all of the details behind the writing or opinion, it may never be understood at all. You may get your nah sayers and h8ters who just require further information to see your point post-writing.

I’d like to say that being in this situation elevated my status as a blogger, I have haters and they be hating on me. Momma is past the time in her life when I would get all up in arms about it either. Oh, okay for about 5 minutes I got a bit heated. Then I matured quickly and with it my brain. I replied.

I am also an author and I am growing a following utilizing blogging techniques, I needed to journal and work out my thoughts on the subject after it cooled. I did. I wrote an article about it yesterday. I shared it with my trusted people and was told that it was good and accurate. As a bonus, they said it was good for me as a writer to have a stronger opinion and that I did it reverently. That means with respect concerning my topic.

Opinions are difficult because not all readers who follow you will have the same one. You may write an article that challenges a reader’s view. You may present a thought that is the first a person comes across the information you provide and it confuses them. Writers are not perfect.

Resilience is something I learned this week as a blogger as well. I was challenged, I informed deeper on my point, and in the end, we both became friends. I wouldn’t say the chummiest as they are never going to fully understand my view, but we found common ground. I became something to consider instead of attempting to dethrone.

They stood where I was at and challenged me to understand where they were coming from. Comments are amazing things. You can make a heckler into a lifelong reader if you compose yourself enough to communicate with your audience. Speak honestly, be humble, and never take yourself too seriously. Momma doesn’t, I’m a goofball and I know it but the most polite one you will ever meet. That’s why hecklers become followers. I listen.

This is the reason why I do what I do. I write to discover my world and my place in it. Funny thing after my tough article yesterday someone put me on a “look what I found” list and I was in the top #10. I guess having an opinion does attract the attention of readers and writers. Comments are something to work on and I will keep trying to figure out how to gain more.

If anyone has any tips I will gladly listen but remember I will always respond to a comment. It’s my way of providing myself to my reader.

The Momma Dom, a lifelong student

Want to know Momma better read my interview for the New Literary Society. It’s rough and honest and wordy but it’s me…

Welcome to the Writers Bunny Garden my new people. 🐰💜👑 Give them a read, follow, and clap as well. Some have been around a long time and some are new. Take the time to let them know they are seen. Momma was seen by them, I saw them right back. Hello fellow MEDIUM bloggers.

LaLa Artica ✿Indie Maker✿ Muhammad Zohaib Irfan Momma's Money Marketing | Simply Passive Ruining All My Branding Romy McLegne Max Zhang Nomadic Odyssey Coding Your Life Ratih999 VIP Dog Lovers Club... For Dog Lovers! José Antonio Ribeiro Neto (Zezinho) Eric Lynch Ladd Baby Shoaib Nazar Val Garner - Friend of Medium Sharing Life 🖋️ Val Garner - Friend of Medium Sharing Life 🖋️@michelethetrainer Amethystah Skylar New Sushant Shrestha Rakesh Sahani

The full Blogging Unscripted Series HERE ✍🏼 (Ongoing)

🧾 Stories in … A word count inflicted self-list


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The Momma Dom ©️ 2024

Photo by TheMommaDom




The Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!

Blogger. Writer. Content Creator. Poet. Photographer. Human. Flawed. Honest. Disabled.