Momma’s Mindfulness Memo
#14 Personal journeys and our place in them, my opinion
Around the middle, you will see the spot where I pay it forward to my new followers. Thank you. I listed your author pages not stories this time. — Momma
Momma is like most writers building herself and her people. We all want to say what is on our minds in the right ways to be understood to them. I learned this week that Momma is considered taboo to some. I mean that other people close to Momma, might not understand that when I say I write all subjects I really do.
I brought back the Cicada series this week as the ground will likely be hitting the right temperature in the next few and I am still thinking of eating one. I jumped back to poetry and my micro stories because disciplines are still required to better myself and I never intended to stop this type of writing just got sidetracked by editors’ and possible publishers’ ideas.
I bounced back and forth with the relationship/taboo/magazine types of writing this week. I enjoy the research and my interviews with people regarding the subjects I talk about. I have a lot of voices on that side of the…