Momma’s Mindfulness Memo

#6 Personal journeys and our place in them, my opinion


TRANSPARENCY IN A.I.: NOTE IT WAS USED FOR THIS ARTICLE. I continued with “The Crown, S1E7” on Netflix on my Alexa Echo Show. Both the Echo and Netflix learn my watching habits to suggest new shows to me proving the A.I. at play.

Momma’s Mindfulness Memos HERE

2019, my garden, my photo taken with a Samsung cell phone

Momma was once given a task by a teacher to grab 12 words out of thin air. We were cautioned not to think too hard or linger too long. Just list and go.

1. Keyboard 2. Clicking 3. Fingers 4. Envisioning 5. Omen 6. Dreamy
7. Coffee 8. Mug 9. Bunny 10. Oven 11. Heavenly 12. Hungry

From there instruction was given to make two columns, 1 of words that are associated together and one that we just liked the sound of or lingered on for a reason.


Keyboard/Clicking/Fingers, Coffee/Mug, Oven/Hungry Envisioning/Omen/Dreamy


Bunny and Heavenly

The idea was to show us that if we had more words in the lingered reason we were more aesthetically driven. The associated…



The Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!

Blogger. Writer. Content Creator. Poet. Photographer. Human. Flawed. Honest. Disabled.