The Momma’s Dom Notes: Adult Nurturing Relationships, Intimacy, and the Benefits of This Alternative Relationship Dynamic

An educated opinion on this 18+ taboo relationship subject

Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash

When seeking human intimacy in a nurturing way, the niche community emerged with a taboo view on how to achieve emotional fulfillment and connection to another. It is called the Adult Nursing Relationship or (ANR). This act involves adults entering a committed, consensual relationship of breastfeeding and care that provides an emotional and psychological bond that allows for vulnerability, trust, closeness, and nurturing. In this dynamic the receiver will find reassurance and solace in the fostering of motherly intimacy the giver extends.

When merging and creating intimacy in ANR relationships, the fostering Mother type should build an environment of emotional connections steeped in trust and vulnerability. Communication and connections will grow with each shared experience. Overall, bonding is fundamental to cultivating a nurturing relationship. Physical…



The Momma Dom ~ Playing With Myself And Loving It!

Blogger. Writer. Content Creator. Poet. Photographer. Human. Flawed. Honest. Disabled.