The Momma’s Dom Notes: Invisibility and Its Harmful Hold On Me
A personal opinion on my life, do your own research, learn your own lessons, be your own person
(Read for free here) 🐰💜👑PURE, LOVE, ENERGY! 👑💜🐰
Menu ~ Mindfulness Memo ~ The Momma Dom Notes ~ Poetry ~ Stories In
A Study Through Characterization ~ Cicada Unscripted Series
Momma has spent the last few weeks falling out of life. I couldn’t get my world to flow in the right direction. I spent days having no routine but the Groundhog Day repetitiveness of someone else’s actions, nah, lack of actions colliding with my world.
I needed to be present in the interventions of what they cause and how they cause it but I was in a pattern of, “Bleh, bleh, bleh, I have heard this before! I don’t want the sorry’s here is what I will…