What is Emotional Intelligence and how do you improve your own E.I.?

The Momma Dom
3 min readNov 11, 2023

A personal view. This is a blog after all. An opinion.

Feelings are intelligent too. Feelings show up and wait around for about 15 minutes. Feelings also could not match up with your own thoughts. Take the time to look inward and question yourself and your reactions. Good for you it is! Momma says it’s a recipe for good soul food.

Momma was once an emotional wreck. I let others views on me dictate my own view. Why? I didn’t know myself. My own emotions ran amuck because I didn’t even know what my emotions were. That’s right I said I had emotions and not a clue what they were for or how…



The Momma Dom

Author, lifecoach, content creator, poet, writer, photographer, student of life's lessons. BDSM advocate and educator in her own understandings. LGBTQ friendly.